Herbal Medicine: How to Make Cayenne Herbal Tinctures

 You can make herbal tincture using cayenne pepper. Cayenne herbal tincture is best made from dried peppers. Cayenne pepper tincture can be used to treat:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome


1. Place 1/8 cup of dried and ground cayenne pepper in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. A coffee grinder works well for grinding dried cayenne peppers, but any food processor will work.

2. Add 3/4 cup of vodka and 1/4 cup of water to the glass jar.

3. Seal the jar with a tight fitting lid. Label the jar with the date and the herbal contents.

4. Shake the jar daily for two weeks.

5. At the end of two weeks, strain the cayenne pepper from the herbal tincture using cheese cloth and discard.

6. Pour the cayenne pepper herbal tincture into dark colored glass jars with a dropper. Label the jars "cayenne pepper tincture" and include the date.

7. The tincture should be stored in a dark place and will last several years.

8. Cayenne pepper herbal tincture can be used to treat the health problems listed above using the following adult doses: 1 drop up to 8 times per day.